Equipment for blowing soot remover powder into boiler fire-side or into the gas side of exhaust gas boilers. This simple, low cost injector ensures rapid and effective dosing of powder so that soot and firescale may be removed most efficiently.
Unitor™ FuelPower™ AshFree is the solution for combustion and deposit issues with VLSFO introduced through IMO 2020. Unitor™ FuelPower™ AshFree is formulated to protect against deposit build-up on sensitive engine parts. The product also ensures good combustion to avoid additional build-up of insulating soot deposits.
Unitor™ FuelPower™ Catalyst improves combustion and make sure the fuel is stable and homogeneous when injected into the engine. Reducing soot will keep the engine and exhaust gas boiler clean. Unitor™ FuelPower™ Catalyst works with conventional HSFO and VLSFO introduced through IMO 2020.
Unitor™ FuelPower™ Conditioner is the market leading solution for asphaltenic sludge control as well as keeping fuel tanks clean. The product works with HSFO and the new VLSFO introduced through IMO 2020. Sedimentation of residual fuels is a common problem and can be reduced with Unitor™ FuelPower™ Conditioner.
Unitor™ FuelPower™ PPD VLSFO is an excellent product for cold weather operability with marine residual fuel, both HSFO and VLSFO Unitor™ FuelPower™ PPD VLSFO help to reduce the size of waxes formed and reduce the risk of wax sedimentation in fuel tanks.
Unitor™ FuelPower™ Soot Remover will keep your boiler free from soot and ash deposits. It will remove deposits in the exhaust system in the boiler and keep it clean so intervals between cleaning can be extended.
Unitor™ FuelPower™ Soot Remover Liquid Plus keeps exhaust gas boiler clean over time. Deposits and soot formed during combustion are kept from depositing in the EGB improving efficiency over time. Unitor™ FuelPower™ Soot Remover Liquid Plus works with HSFO the new VLSFO introduced through IMO 2020.
Unitor™ FuelPower TSP VLSFO is a dispersant designed to improve the asphaltene management of 0.5% sulphur Marine fuels. In Marine fuels, it prevents asphaltene agglomeration and build up. A fuel that is out of specification in relation to Total Sediment Potential can be brought back into specification with Unitor™ FuelPower TSP VLSFO.
Equipment for blowing soot remover powder into boiler fire-side or into the gas side of exhaust gas boilers. This simple, low cost injector ensures rapid and effective dosing of powder so that soot and firescale may be removed most efficiently.