We can help with products related to ships, boats, marine, docks and shipyards. We have well known quality brands such as UNITOR and NALFLEET. Vi kan deliver gas, chemicals, tools, clothes, offshore equipment and many other things on short notice.
We deliver all Wilhelmsen Ships Service products. See link for their product catalog:
Under you will find products we have on storage.
To the right you can download our product catalog. We can also order products for you that can stay in our warehouse until you arrive at the port.
Search Products
Oxygen O-5 Filling
Oxygen O-40 Filling
Acetylen A-5 Filling
Acetylen A-40 Filling
Argon E-10 Filling
Argon E-50 Filling
Carbon Dioxide C-9 Filling
Carbon Dioxide C-27 Filling
Breathing Oxygen Mox-2 Filling
Breathing Oxygen Mox-5 Filling
Breathing Oxygen Mox-40 Filling
Nitrogen N-1030 Filling
Nitrogen N-5030 Filling
Nitrogen N-5050 Filling
Unicool R-417A 51KG Refrigerant
Unicool R-417A 11KG Refrigerant
Unicool R-507 45KG Refrigerant
Unicool R-507 9.5KG Refrigerant
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Gamazyme TDS Blue Sach W/Mint
Gamazyme BTC 12×1 LTR
Gamazyme DPC 4KG
Gamazyme 700FN 12KG
Gamazyme Digestor 25 LTR
Easyclean Cleaning & Disinfection
Easyclean Basin and toilet bowl 10 LTR
Easyclean Laundry Tablets Colour
ACC Plus 25 LTR
Aquatuff 25 LTR
Air Cooler Cleaner 25 LTR
Aquabreak PX 25 LTR
Bilgewater Flocculant 25 LTR
Carbon Remover 25 LTR
Carbonclean 25 LTR
Cleanbreak 25 LTR
Coldwash HD 25 LTR
Commissioning Cleaner 25 LTR
Defoamer Concentr. 25 LTR
Descalex 25 LTR
Descaling Liquid 25 LTR
Disclean 25 LTR
Electrosolv – E 25 LTR
Enviroclean 25 LTR
Fore and Aft 25 LTR
HP Wash 25 LTR
Metal Brite 25 LTR
Metal Brite HD 25 LTR
Seacare OSD-2 25 LTR
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