Produktnummer: 4544
Forpakning: 25 KG | 220 KG | 1000 KG
Antifrogen L er basert på mono propylen glykol (MPG) med et kokepunkt på 187°C. Antifrogen L benyttes primært på kjøleinstallasjoner i forbindelse med matvareproduksjon.
Antifrogen® L is a clear liquid, tinted blue, for use as a heat transfer medium in heat pump systems and in the food industry, e.g. in breweries, dairies, ice-cream factories, cold stores and fish processing factories. The product is inhibited without the use of nitrites-, amines-, borates-, silicates- and phosphates. The optimization of the corrosion inhibition system was performed without the use of CMR-substances (cancerogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic).
Antifrogen® L fulfills a dual function as a heat transfer medium. It ensures that the aqueous solution remains liquid at the required brine temperature and protects any metal components in the refrigeration system from corrosion. Its antifreeze action is based on monopropylene glycol, which with its high boiling point of about 187 °C prevents loss by evaporation.
Antifrogen® L can be described by the usual classification as toxicologically harmless.
Antifrogen L is used as a heat transfer medium in heat recovery systems and in the food and pharmaceutical sector or where the possibility of the heat transfer medium entering process water or hot water cannot be excluded. For this applications a “ Toxicological Risk Evaluation on Adverse Human Health Effects for Users from Oral Uptake of Foodstuff contaminated with ANTIFROGEN L” is available (www.antifrogen.com, see downloads/certificates).
Antifrogen L contains as the base product the toxicologically harmless 1,2 propylene glycol, which is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, acc. § 184.1666 of the Federal Register from 1.4.1985), Propylene glycol is registered as a generally harmless food additive) in the USA. Additionally, the 1,2 -Propylene glycol is approved as solvent and extracting agent according Lebensmittel-Zusatzstoffverkehrsordnung (10.7.1984, BG B1.I S. 897, Anlage 2, Liste 9). Also, Antifrogen L is approved as an officially fire extinguishing agent (VdS – certificate can be downloaded under Documents).
- Hot water heating systems
- Heat pump systems
- Heat recovery systems
- Refrigeration circuits
- Gravity systems