Produktnummer: 778849
Liter: 6×0,6 ltr in box
The Unitor™ EASYCLEAN™ SOFT SURFACE & SPOT is a phosphate free cleaner for cleaning and deodorizing soft surfaces like carpets, furniture, upholstery etc.
Product information
Unitor™ EASYCLEAN™ SOFT SURFACE & SPOT is based on specialized bacterial strains and biodegradable surfactants enabled to eliminate organic residue like blood, coffee, vine, beer, food, waste, vomit etc. and odour by three way action:
- Chemical cleaning action by removing solids from surfaces.
- Immediate odour control by fragrance masking
- Deep cleaning from biological action for removal of residual organic matter
These properties make it ideal for removal of residual organic matter specially on carpets, sofas, chairs and upholstery.
- Biological active ingredients
- Phosphate free
- Ready to use
- Long term effect
- Through the biological active components in the product, organic components are broken down over time to water and carbon dioxide
- Since the organic components are broken down and removed, the long term effect will be reduced smell. Initial effect is that the product deodorize and masks the smell.
Invent Hazard Material (IMO/EU) classification | C-49 |
Physical properties
Appearance | White, yellow |
Density [g/ml] | 1,00 |
Form | Liquid |
Odour | Pine needle |
Packaging | 6 x 0,6l spray bottle |
pH | 8-9 |
Directions for use
- Spray EASYCLEAN SOFT SURFACE & SPOT on the surface that needs cleaning and brush in with a cloth
- Humidify the area with some additional water and leave over night
- Vacuum up the residue when dry
- Repeat the operation if spot is not fully removed