Produktnummer: 628026
Liter: 25 LTR
Product information
Utilising active enzymes to eat through biological and organic waste products, Unitor™ Gamazyme™ Digestor is a safe and non-corrosive product used to restore flow in drains where grease accumulation is a problem. Unitor™ Gamazyme™ Digestor’s biochemical formulation is designed to provide exceptional performance in clogged drain lines, grease traps and floor drains. It restores slow running drains and reduces odours due to organic build-up.
- Water based biological drain cleaner for slow running drains
- Patented, environmentally friendly bioenzymatic formulation designed to restore flow in drain systems containing greasy deposits
- Results in increased bacterial activity in a variety of organic wastes
- Environmentally adapted
- Free of harsh chemical compounds normally associated with acid and caustic drain openers
- Provides penetration, breakdown and degradation of organic drain line deposits and blockages
- Ideal for applications subject to aerobic and anaerobic environments
Physical properties
Appearance | Green |
Density [g/ml] | 1,0 |
Form | Liquid |
Smell | Herbal/Lemon |
Technical data
Temperature [°C] | 10 – 60 active range |
Directions for use
1. Drain Cleaner
Use 500ml of Unitor™ Gamazyme™ Digestor per 5cm drain diameter to restore flow in drains and to keep them free flowing. Repeat the operation if necessary.
Use regularly, once a day or several times a week to maintain drains free of grease.
2. Cleaning of Pulpers
Flush the whole system at the end of the day including pulpers, pipes, etc. with warm water (maximum 60°C) and Unitor™ Gamazyme™ Digestor.
Dose the product neat in the economiser tank by using a dosing pump. Use a dosage rate of approximately 2 litre per m3 water.