Produktnummer: 909014
Liter: 25 LTR | 1ooo ltr IBC
Sodium Thiosulphate liquid is used to de-chlorinate ballast waters prior to discharge to the environment.
Product information
This product note describes the specification for Sodium Thiosulphate liquid. Any product supplied under this specification must meet the properties described in the attached specification.
The chemical must be properly labeled in compliance with the present national and international laws and regulations concerning transport, health, safety and environment. A Safety Data Sheet must be provided by the manufacturer/supplier.
CAS No. | 7772-98-7 |
Invent Hazard Material (IMO/EU) classification | NA |
Physical properties
Appearance | Clear to pale yellow liquid |
Density [g/ml] | 1.25 to 1.34 |
Freeze Thaw Recovery | Complete. Agitation/stirring is required. |
Freezing Point [°C] | 4 to 6 C |
Odour | Sulphurous |
Technical data
Purity | 30 to 40% |