Unitor™ Alkleen Safety Liquid™ 25 l is a non-caustic water based alkaline cleaner, containing corrosion inhibitors to prevent the corrosion of metals such as zinc, aluminium, copper, brass and tin.

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Product information

Unitor™ Alkleen Safety Liquid™ minimises the hazards in handling caustic based materials.


  • Non-caustic
  • Non-flammable
  • Does not contain nonyl phenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds
  • Non-corrosive to ferrous metals
  • IMO approved and listed in Annex 10 of the MEPC.2/ Circular


  • Suitable for all tank-coatings
  • Can be used for gas and hydrocarbon-freeing of tanks
  • Can be used for deodorizing
  • Safe, meets current regulation



Unitor™ Alkleen Safety Liquid™ has been evaluated by the BLG Working Group on the Evaluation of Safety and Pollution Hazards of Chemicals (ESPH) and found to meet the requirements of paragraph 13.5.2 of the MARPOL Annex II and is consolidated into annex 10 of the MEPC.2/Circular.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


Directions for use

Cargo tank cleaning following discharge of drying, semi-drying and non drying natural oils and fats. As soon as possible after the cargo has been discharged, the tanks should be flushed with cold water to prevent polymerisation and evaporation of the lighter oil fractions.

Whenever possible, the cleaning solution should be heated to 60-80°C. However, the polymerising nature of some natural oils may demand lower cleaning temperatures.

Dosing method The most economical method of using Unitor™ Alkleen Safety Liquid™ is by direct injection followed by recirculation washing, using tank cleaning machines. If this method is not possible, hand spraying provides acceptable options. Refer to dosage table for dosage rates.

Cargo Residue Hand Spray Recirculation Direct Injection *Approx. recirculation consumption, litres per 1000 m3 tank space
Fatty acids, fatty alcohols Fish oils 100% 3-5% 2-4% 180-300
Drying & Semi drying 100% 3-5% 2-4% 180-300
Vegetable oil 50-100% 2-4% 1-3% 120-240
Non drying vegetable oil 50-100% 2-4% 1-3% 120-240

*When using the recirculation method, the tank to be cleaned is filled with water to a level that the heating coils are covered. As an average, this is approximately 0.6% of the volume of the tank. The figures mentioned in this column are the quantity of Unitor™ Alkleen Safety Liquid™ required to obtain the recommended solution strengths.