Unitor™ Tankleen Swift™ is a powerful cleaner based on alkaline materials combined with a special blend of surfactants. Its complex formulation makes it suitable for numerous tank cleaning operations onboard.

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Product information

Unitor™ Tankleen Swift™ is ideal for the removal of soot from Inert Gas Systems (IGS) and cleaning of cargo tanks after petroleum waxes and related products. Unitor™ Tankleen Swift™ can also be used for tank cleaning after vegetable and animal oils including fish oil and applications where an alkaline cleaner is required.

Unitor™ Tankleen Swift™ is free of hydrocarbon solvents and is biodegradable.

Unitor™ Tankleen Swift™ should not be used on zinc coatings, use then Unitor™ Alkleen Safety Liquid™ (Product no. 571513 and 571521)


  • Heavy duty water based tank cleaner
  • Does not contain nonyl phenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds
  • Biodegradable
  • Free from hydrocarbon solvents


  • It has numerous tank cleaning applications including removal of natural oils and fats
  • Ideal for cleaning after wax deposits
  • Suitable for removal of soot deposits from inert gas systems
  • Can be used for deodorizing, gas and hydrocarbon-freeing of tanks
  • Effective and economical
  • Completely safe on epoxy coatings
  • IMO approved and listed in Annex 10 of the MEPC.2/ Circular



As of the 1st July 1996, chemical tankers were only be permitted to use tank cleaning agents which are evaluated and approved by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Unitor™ Tankleen Swift™ has been evaluated by the BLG Working Group on the Evaluation of Safety and Pollution Hazards of Chemicals (ESPH) and found to meet the requirements of paragraph 13.5.2 of the MARPOL Annex II and is consolidated into annex 10 of the MEPC.2/Circular.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


Directions for use

Removal of soot from Inert Gas Systems (IGS)

  1. Apply Unitor™ Tankleen Swift with a Unitor™ High pressure Cleaning Machine and use 1:4 with water. However if used with a hand sprayer, apply the product neat on the surface, allowing 1 litre per 12 m2.
  2. Leave for about 30-45 minutes. The surface remains wet.
  3. Wash down with hot water (80 °C) and check the results.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Removal of waxy deposits

Unitor™ Tankleen Swift can be used for tank cleaning after petroleum waxes and related products. Use a solution strength between 10-30 litres per ton wash water (1-3 %) and keep the temperature of the wash water at >10 °C above the melting point of the wax. To avoid any recoating of the tanks maintain this temperature during the cleaning and draining process. If the cleaning operation does not give satisfactory result first time, increased temperature of the wash water should be tried first before increased concentration of the cleaning agent is considered.

Tank cleaning
Unitor™ Tankleen Swift can be used for tank cleaning after animal, vegetable oils and fats and applications where an alkaline cleaner is required.

Method of Application and Dose Rates
1. Direct injection method with tank washing machines: Use a dose rate of 1-20 litres per ton wash water (0.1-2 %).
2. Recirculation method: Use a dose rate of 1-20 litres per ton wash water (0.1-2 %).
3. Spot cleaning: Hand spray neat or prepare a 20 % solution, and leave for 20-30 minutes before rinsing with water. The surface should be kept wet. For problem deposits, please consult the Unitor™ Tank Cleaning Manual.

As of the 1st July 1996, chemical tankers were only be permitted to use tank cleaning agents which are evaluated and approved by the International maritime Organisation (IMO). Unitor™ Tankleen Swift has been evaluated through IMO’s BCH Working Group on the Evaluation of Safety and Pollution Hazards of Chemicals and found to meet their requirements and is listed in the new MEPC.1/.Circ. 590.