Produktnummer: 41573722
Liter: 25 LTR
Drew Marine AMEROID DC disc cleaner is a specially formulated blend of surfactants, solvents and acids designed to remove carbonaceous and varnish deposits from lube and fuel oil separator discs. AMEROID DC has been approved for use by Westfalia and Alfa-Laval.
To clean separator discs from both lube and fuel oil systems, it is recommended that the disc stack be removed from the separator and immersed in a dilute solution of AMEROID DC. Depending upon the severity and quantity of deposits, a solution containing one part AMEROID DC disc cleaner to four to eight parts water should be used.
Always add AMEROID DC to water. Never add water to AMEROID DC.
AMEROID DC is available in 25-liter containers (PCN 4520400).