Produktnummer: 233064
Central distribution installation for single acetylene and oxygen cylinders.
Product information
GDS Gas Central installation complete set for 1 Acetylene + 1 Oxygen cylinder system
- Includes all items necessary for the gas central room, including signs, racks, equipment and brackets to be screwed or welded to deck and bulkhead
- Included are also pre-welded unions to be welded to the distribution pipes, and brazed to the evacuation pipes from the regulator safety valves
- Gas cylinders, cylinder trolley, clamps, bushings and outlet stations should be ordered separately in necessary quantities
- If the central is to be placed in two separate rooms, one each for Acetylene and Oxygen respectively, one each of signs product no. 183202, 526566 and 526558 are needed
- Increases safety
- Cylinders are less subject to physical damage
- Location of cylinders is known to everyone onboard
- Cylinders can easily be removed in case of fire onboard
- No cylinder transport to the worksite needed
Invent Hazard Material (IMO/EU) classification | NA |